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About Us



No More Domestic Violence Awareness and Prevention Organization was established to assist victims of domestic violence in transitioning to a safer future free of abuse. The organization began in 2017 upon the release of a song of dedication to victims entitled No More. The charity song was released by the organization’s founder, singer/songwriter and dv survivor herself, Cheryl McWhorter in an effort to generate funds to donate to victims who expressed a desire to leave their abusers. The founder was encouraged to start a support/prayer group after releasing the song and sharing her story of domestic violence survival. She received overwhelming response from other survivors and decided to create this forum to safely share stories and encourage one another. The ninety-nine cents song download wasn’t generating enough funds to assist the number of victims who contacted No More so a partnership with North Central Alabama YWCA was established to assist. In addition, an annual No More Calendar of Domestic Violence Survivors which depicts twelve glamorously photographed survivors and their stories of survival is in its seventh year as a fundraiser. The annual calendar is a success as it provides daily dv awareness; an empowering platform for the survivors featured in the calendar as well as an educational and practical product that generates funds donated to victims who need assistance leaving their abusers.

Our Services

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