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​Mississippi L.I.V.E.S. is a student-led organization.
Students learn about alternatives to violence and practice what they learn through school and community service projects. As they participate in the MS SAVE activities, students will learn about domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, dating violence prevention and bystander intervention. Students will be able to teach what they learn through monologues, spoken word, music, and many other forms of visual and performing arts.
The afterschool program is designed to help victims become survivors of interpersonal violence (domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, and dating violence).
Our mission is to support, empower, validate, and educate survivors, as well as their families and supporters.
With the support of the group facilitator and the interaction with their peers in the group, the group is designed to:
Reduce the number of interpersonal violence occurrences among teens.
Create a safe place for teens to identify, express and process their feelings.
Help teens develop new coping skills.
Support teens in strengthening their self-esteem.
Help teens understand they are not to blame for the abuse.
Break the isolation and secrecy of the abuse.
Engage students in meaningful dating violence, stalking, sexual assault, prevention and bystander intervention efforts within their school and community.
Empower youth with knowledge and skills necessary to provide service to their community and school.
Encourage positive peer influences within the school and community through violence prevention efforts.
Educate students about the effects and consequences of violence as well as safe activities for students, parents, and the community.
Educate the student body about interpersonal violence through the methods of dance, song, spoken word, and much more.
Ozell Pace, Jr.,
Culturally Specific Healthy Relationship Advocate
ozellpace@ourhousenb.com (email)
He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.